Wednesday 23 September 2015

Importance of Water

Water Your Body App definitely offers a great reminder of that!
Do you always feel tired or maybe having a headache and feel like taking a nap during the day? I’m sure many of us feel that way all the time. Many a times this could be the first sign of dehydration where the tissues and cells are not getting enough water for a person to feel like doing anything. A lot of us tend to neglect drinking water as we are too occupied with our daily work or activities.
The good thing is, the Android Playstore has an app developed by NorthPark.Android named Water Your Body to act as a reminder for us to drink water daily. Although this is not a game app, i find myself using it often too! So here’s a review of the app!
I will review this application based on 2 criteria:
1. User friendliness
This application is simple and easy to use. As the screen loads up, the home screen shows the target amount of water that is recommended to drink for the day.
The amount of water recommended is determined by your weight. To make this even more accurate, adjustments like the weather conditions and if any sports activities was carried out that day can be made to be added into considerations.
2. Interesting and effective in-app components
This application contains many interesting and effective features and I will share 3 of them. To find out more you can download it at the Playstore or you can just click the link below.
• The Cup Size!
Parents, doctors, teachers and friends always remind us to “drink 8 glasses of water per day”. I’m sure that a lot of us have at least heard that line at least once in our life! Have you ever wondered “What is the size of the glass they are referring to?”
Research states that a human being needs to consume at least 2 liters of water per day. Well, clearly 8 small glasses of water are not equivalent to 2 liters. Water Your Body App Developer has put this into considerations and decided to add the cup size feature as shown in the screenshot below.
• Alarm Reminder!
It is definitely a must for apps that remind the users to do a task to have their own alarm. Water your Body has a unique reminder of its own and is great to have for those that is too busy in their daily life.
There are two types of reminder you can pick from as seen from the screenshot below. You can either set an auto reminder which will trigger at intervals according to your configuration or you can manually set the reminder time yourself.
One of the bonus function this feature has is that it give users the option to enable the Less disturb option which will set the app’s reminder to only remind the user to drink water if he/she has fallen behind schedule.
• Water and Weight Chart!
Water your Body also has 2 different charts. The water and weight chart.
The water chart in the app allows the user to track their drinking habits. It is very useful for users that are particularly concern about their daily water intake. It can even track your water intake up to a year! As a bonus, the chart also shows the user the average amount of water consumed per day after 7 days.
The weight chart tracks the weight loss of the user each day. However, the user will have to update his/her weight manually each day for the chart to take effect.
3. Conclusion
Water your Body is a great app to have for those that want to take serious care of their daily water intake. However, it takes a high level of discipline for the user to consistently update each time he/she drank water or when there’s a change of their body weight at the end of the day.
I give this app a 4 star for its user friendliness and for having useful functions that help the user to manage and monitor their water intake with precision and accuracy. "Wah! What an App!" Thank you NorthPark.Android for developing this app!
Here’s the link to download the app
I would appreciate any comments and feedback. Feel free to contact me at
Be sure to check in again next time for more recommendations or reviews and stay tuned to WahWhatAGame!

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